Awarded grants
Czech National Corpus
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Large Research, Development and Innovation Infrastructures, LM2023044 (2023–2026)
Within the framework of this project, ICNC strives for extensive and continuous data coverage of the Czech language (and other languages in comparison with Czech) aiming thus to build up a foundation for basic and applied research. The main activities include:
- continuous development and building of language corpora of various types as representative, linguistically processed textual bases for empirical and exact research of the Czech language; these are primarily corpora covering Czech in its present state (synchronic corpora of written and spoken language), in its historical development (diachronic corpus), and in translation comparison with other languages (parallel corpora);
continuous development and enhancement of structural and specialized linguistic annotation of language corpora;
- complex processing of other corpora compiled by other research groups in the Czech Republic and abroad;
- free and open public service of providing internet user access to all corpora by the means of specialized corpus tools;
- providing of data packages (i.e. processed and annotated collections of language data) to other research groups in the Czech Republic as well as abroad, in various formats according to their needs and suitable especially for linguistic research and natural language processing.
Renewal of the computational capacity of the CNC infrastructure
Grant holder: Mgr. Michal Křen, Ph.D.
MŠMT, grant number: EH23_015/0008172
Duration: 2024 – 2025
Programme Cooperatio, research area Linguistics, at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.
Výzkum velkých textových korpusů prizmatem vícejazyčnosti a komplementárních metodologických přístupů
Grant holder: doc. Mirjam Fried, Ph.D., adjunct professor at Charles University
UNCE, grant number 24/SSH/009
Duration: 01/2024 – 12/2029
Czech phraseology and changes in its use in temporal and genre contexts
Grant holder: dr. Hana Skoumalová
GAČR, grant number: 24-10254S
Duration: 2024 – 2026
Large language models through the prism of corpus linguistics
Grant holder: dr. Jiří Milička
GAČR, grant number: 24-11725S
Duration: 2024 – 2026
Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe)
Grant holder: prof. Petr Kratochvíl (ÚMV)
European Regional Development Fund, grant number: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004595
Duration: 09/2023 – 06/2028
Historie češtiny v korpusovém kontinuu
Grant holder: dr. Martin Stluka
TAČR, grant number: TQ01000072
Duration: 09/2023 – 11/2026
Víceslovné jednotky pro digitální vzdělávání
Grant holder: dr. Marie Kopřivová
TAČR, grant number: TQ01000177
Duration: 09/2023 – 11/2026
Mitigating Perceived Threats in Russian and Norwegian Public Discours (THREAT-DEFUSER)
Grant holder: Prof. Dr. Laura Janda (University of Tromsø)
Research Council of Norway, grant number: 300002
Duration: 02/2020 – 08/2026
Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure (CLS INFRA)
Grant holder: Dr. Maciej Eder (Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
H2020, project number: 101004984
Duration: 03/2021 – 02/2025
Completed projects
- Frázová banka akademické češtiny a její využití ve výzkumu a výuce akademického psaní. TAČR, TL05000309, (2021–2023)
- Feast and Famine: Confronting Overabundance and Defectivity in Language, Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), AH/T002859/1, Prof. Dr. Neil Bermel (University of Sheffield), (2020-2022)
- KREAS – Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World, European Regional Development Fund, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734, doc. Mirjam Fried, (2018–2022)
- Czech National Corpus, MŠMT, Projekty velkých infrastruktur pro VaVaI, LM2018137, (2020–2022)
- Enhancement of the computational capacity of the CNC infrastructure, MŠMT, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015829, (2020–2022)
- Phonetic properties of Czech in non-native and native speakers’ communicatio, Czech Science Foundation Grant, GA18-18300S, PhDr. Jitka Veroňková, Ph.D., (2018–2020)
- Language Variation in the CNC, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, 02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001758, (2017–2020)
- Czech National Corpus, Large Research, Development and Innovation Infrastructures, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, LM2015044, Mgr. Michal Křen Ph.D., (2016-2019)
- Journalism and correspondence of Karel Havlíček, Czech Science Foundation Grant, GA17-13671S, doc. Mgr. Robert Adam, Ph.D., (2017–2019)
- Erasmus+ KA2-HE-03/16 project – DigiLing: Trans-European e-Learning Hub for Digital Linguistics, Lead Partner: University of Ljubljana, (2016–2019)
- Between lexicon and grammar, Czech Science Foundation Grant, GA16-07473S, doc. RNDr. Vladimír Petkevič, CSc., (2016–2018)
- Syntax of spoken Czech, Czech Science Foundation Grant, GA15-01116S, prof. PhDr. Jana Hoffmannová DrSc., (2015–2017)
- PRVOUK – Programme for the Development of Fields of Study at Charles University, No. P11 Czech national corpus, sub-programme Czech national corpus.
- Czech National Corpus, Large Research, Development and Innovation Infrastructures, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, LM2011023, doc. Mgr. Václav Cvrček Ph.D., (2012–2015)
- Applied research and development of national and cultural identity programme (NAKI), Ministry of Culture
- Research project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports entitled The Czech National Corpus and Corpora of Other Languages, VZ MSM 0021620823, (2005–2011)
- Large Language Corpora and their Automatic Analysis, Czech Science Foundation, GA405/03/0913, RNDr. Jan Hajič Dr., (2003–2005)
- Czech National Corpus and Corpora of Other Languages, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, (1999–2004)
- Program Tools for Computer Processing of Czech Texts, Czech Science Foundation, GA405/95/0190, doc. RNDr. Vladimír Petkevič CSc., (1995–1997)
- Czech Phraseology, its Importance and Lexicographic Processing, GAUK, F. Čermák
- Computer Processed Corpus of Spoken Czech, GAUK, F. Čermák
- Electronisation of Diachronic Lexicography Techniques, Czech Science Foundation, GA405/99/0540, P. Nejedlý, R. Blatná, (1999–2001)
- Czech in the Age of Computers, Czech Science Foundation, (1996–2001)
- Electronic Corpus of the Czech Language, An enhancement of the reseach at universities, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, (1996–2000)
- Corpus of Czech written texts, Czech Science Foundation, V. Petkevič, (1993–1995)