On 12th april 2022 prof. Martin Hilpert gave online lecture on: Life is too short for long words: Studying English clippings in language use and in the laboratory ( PDF)
On 12th april 2022 prof. Martin Hilpert gave online lecture on: Life is too short for long words: Studying English clippings in language use and in the laboratory ( PDF)
On 14th and 16th May 2019, prof. George Mikros visited our Institute and gave two lectures on Predicting the author’s gender using computational stylistic methods (PDF) Stylometric analysis and machine learning methods (PDF)
On 20th March 2019, Prof. Achim Rabus visited our Institute and gave lectures on SpoCo: a bottom-up initiative to build Slavic spoken corpora Abstract In the talk, the SpoCo infrastructure for Slavic (and non-Slavic) spoken (and non-spoken) corpora is presented. I show how the platform evolved, discuss its functionality and give an outlook on its […]
On 12th March 2019, Dr. Maarten Janssen visited our Institute and gave lectures on TEITOK – a web-based platform for viewing, creating, and editing corpora Abstract In this talk I will give a general overview of TEITOK, an online system for making corpora available and searchable, but at the same time for editing them, annotating, and […]
On 27th and 28th November 2017, Dr. Michael Ramscar visited our Institute and gave two lectures on The discriminative nature of human communication The information structure of discriminative human communication systems Abstracts
On 26th and 27th October 2016, Prof. Stefan Th. Gries visited our Institute and gave two lectures on Corpus data and aspects of the mental lexicon from a cognitive-linguistic perspective: frequency, contingency, recency, and context What statistical methods have to offer to linguistics: three (differently complex) case studies of spelling, morphological change, and foreign language […]
On 11th and 12th October 2016, Prof. Rafał Ludwik Górski (Institute of the Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences) visited our Institute and gave two lectures on Translationese and stylometry; Historical linguistics and stylometry. Can the corpus tell us how to periodize the history of a language? Abstracts
On 3rd and 4th May 2016, Prof. Alan Partington (Università di Bologna) visited our Institute and gave two lectures on Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies (CADS): Good Practices and Potential Pitfalls; “Why are you English all so anti-European?” A corpus-assisted discourse study (CADS) of “stay or leave?” arguments on the eve of the UK Referendum on withdrawal […]
On 11th and 12th April, Prof. Mark Davies (Brigham Young University) visited our Institute and gave two lectures on Corpus-based analyses of variation in English: Why both size and structure matter New from the BYU corpora: the NOW corpus and virtual corpora Abstracts
On 24th and 25th November Wolfgang Teubert (University of Birmingham) visited our Institute and gave two lectures on Building onto the corpus-driven approach: a wider look on meaning Corpus linguistics and the meaning of lexical items: how to distinguish grief from mourning Abstracts